台灣國寶級畫家.瘋癲手指畫家 匡乙.小時候在高雄左營眷村長大.自小體弱多病.且行為長相皆怪異.經常在家裡及眷村鄰居.隔壁.到處塗鴉.惹事不少.讓父母親非常頭痛.
匡以畫家.有一幅巨畫作品.用掉20幾年大半輩.且只完成一半作品.名稱為 老塘湖藝術村
Yi Kuang Artists story
Taiwan Top Tailors Artist,
the mad artist Yi Kuang was born in the community of
military family of Zuoying, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
He grew up there, and was in poor health condition
since childhood.He often fell ill and had a solitary disposition.
The HyperPainter like to draw graphics on the wall of neighborhood to enjoy himselve.
Since he was a child, martial arts movies had been a part of his life.
My mom did not wish to add any burden for my older sister,
she hid me up when my sister went on a blind date.
I was quite hardened to the situation.
There is a secret spot, ruin-like place in Syuejia District, Tainan.
Named 「Lao Tang Lake」 Art Village. (Pron: Lao-Tang-Whoo)
This art village is not a legacy of historical or historic sites,
but is instead mined by a mad artist.
The name of the mad artist is Yi Kuang.
(Because of his weird behavior, coupled with the surname in Taiwanese eaqual to epileptic,
his friend eloquently named him the 「madness painter」 or
匡以畫家.有一幅巨畫作品.用掉20幾年大半輩.且只完成一半作品.名稱為 老塘湖藝術村
Yi Kuang Artists story
Taiwan Top Tailors Artist,
the mad artist Yi Kuang was born in the community of
military family of Zuoying, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
He grew up there, and was in poor health condition
since childhood.He often fell ill and had a solitary disposition.
The HyperPainter like to draw graphics on the wall of neighborhood to enjoy himselve.
Since he was a child, martial arts movies had been a part of his life.
My mom did not wish to add any burden for my older sister,
she hid me up when my sister went on a blind date.
I was quite hardened to the situation.
There is a secret spot, ruin-like place in Syuejia District, Tainan.
Named 「Lao Tang Lake」 Art Village. (Pron: Lao-Tang-Whoo)
This art village is not a legacy of historical or historic sites,
but is instead mined by a mad artist.
The name of the mad artist is Yi Kuang.
(Because of his weird behavior, coupled with the surname in Taiwanese eaqual to epileptic,
his friend eloquently named him the 「madness painter」 or